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- OnTrack©ó¥»¦~2¤ë¦Ü5¤ë±N±À¥X¤@¨t¦C¡]6¦¸¡^ªº¹Î«´/¤p²Õ¾û°V½m – K-Factors (Koinonia Factors)¡C¸Ó¨t¦C¦³6¸`¡AÁ¿ÃD¦³·½°_(»¯ÀA¼wªª®v)¡B »â¾É(¶À¤ß®Ô¶Ç¹D)¡B ªù®{°V½m(ÄY°ê¼Ùªª®v)¡B «H¥õ¸sÅé(¸§õã¬À¶Ç¹D)¡B ÃöÃh(Winnie Chik©n©f)¡B ¨Ï©R(³¯¹F¦ëªª®v)¡C
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| Dear OnTrack Prayer Partners
2012 has come and we will celebrate Chinese New Year in next week. On behalf of OnTrack Team, we wish you a year full of God's blessings and may God be with you always! | Thank God for... - Rev Chiu returned to Vancouver safely after both his HK trips in mid-December and mid-January.
- Rev Chiu's new book "Leading from the Cloud" was published in December 2011. The focus of the book is about "leadership" in 3 main areas: leading quality, team building and church culture. E-announcements will be circulated when the book is available for pre-order.
- The celebration of "OnTrack Journey 2011" of both Richmond and Vancouver track was held on December 3, 2011. There were over 30 participants and 17 participants put their "dreams" and "action plans" on exhibition boards. May God be with them as they make their "dreams" come true.
Pray that God will... - bless the pastoral luncheon to be held on February 21, 2012. The guest speaker is Ms Ruth Chan who will also share on a public meeting at night. All are welcome to attend. Details will be circulated at a later date.
- A new series "K-Factors (Koinonia Factors)" will be launched between February and May. There are 6 sessions including: The root (by Rev David Chiu), Leadership (by Pastor Sam Wong), Discipleship(by Rev Enoch Yim), Community (by Pastor Rebecca Ip), Care (by Winnie Chik), Missional(by Rev Henry Chan).
- protect Rev. Chiu in all his trips in HK; his health and also keep his family safe.
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